Hot Off the Presses - Spectacular Spider-Man


Dear Readers,

A new day is upon us. The masses have been heard and we are being blessed by AMG with a new core set. In October of this year you will be able to order the new Core Box from AMG which will include updated versions of the original Core Box units with some exceptions. Included in the box, and the unit I am most anxious to try out, is the Spectacular Spider-Man.

The Stats

So, I find it hard to not compare him to the original Core Box Peter Parker model from the outset. They both have Impact Webbing and an R3 throw as well as Wall Crawler and Spider-Sense. What Spectacular Spider-Man misses out on is Long Movement and his ability to push enemies towards him. The two are very similar though and Spectacular Spider-Man as a 3 threat character is a noticable change.

With that being said, I love that Peter Parker is now a 3 threat. This is a huge boon for Web Warriors who want to flood the field and gain an advantage with a large All Webbed Up turn or to out-number and out-push enemy units on points. Web Warriors have, for awhile, been able to run Miles, Gwen, Black Cat, Moon Knight and another 3 threat at 15 if they so desired or Miles, Gwen, Cat, Spider-Woman, and a 2 threat (we know it’s Toad) at the same points, but now we have access to a full 5-person Web Warriors 15 threat which opens up huge spike potential for fighting on E maps. In addition, All Webbed Up turns give your Web-Head Wallop a better chance to have Catch! go off. It is not reliable by any means, but more damage means a more punishing All Webbed Up turn and the more punishing that turn, the farther you can pull ahead in my experience.

What sets this Spider-Man apart from his compatriots, and is one of my biggest draws to this model, is his unique to him and the new Doctor Octopus, is the range 3 size 3 throw. With throws, the vast majority are range 2 with the odd range three throws being expensive for only being able to throw size 2. This Spider-Man gains the ability to not only throw size 3, but his throw is also omnidirectional. It would have been nice to have seen him retain his Webline to push enemies toward him, but this throw is definitely a nice addition to the arsenal.

With enough power, this version of Peter is able to displace up to 3 characters in a single round and Web Swing onto a point. If he hasn’t had to move, Peter is guaranteed to have his throw online every round barring status effects such as Poison to slow down his power generation.

All in all, I am very pleased with this new iteration of Peter Parker, and he is one of the reasons I am tempted to come back to Web Warriors as my main faction (aside from the newly mentioned Gwenom and Scarlet Spider coming out at some point).

The Tactics Card

Now, this right here is one of my favorite reasons to get the Core Set for Web Warriors. It is just Peter Parker, which includes Amazing Spider-Man. Do you know what is more annoying than trying to murder Amazing Spider-Man? Trying to murder him when he has a pocket Medpack and condition removal. I have found that, with good positioning, getting the objective on ASM isn’t truly an issue, so you are more likely to get the first portion of the trigger. Spectacular Spider-Man also seems to have a decent shot of taking out enemies, especially on All Webbed Up turns, and if he has double tapped his opponents then he has the 2 power needed to play this TTC. I love Go Gettum Tiger as a card, and I think it will be making my 10 TTC list in most iterations of my Web Warrior list building. 

Final Thoughts

I think that this version of Peter has all of the weaknesses and then some of the Core Set Parker. He has less health, has the same version of Spider-Sense, and has base movement. However, I have seen entire turns completely turned around due to a Core Box Peter Parker, and I foresee this model doing the same, just cheaper. You may get one out of your 2 pushes with Impact Webbing, but you are guaranteed to get a throw off if you double tap. I still think that there is fear that having an R3 throw and a pull toward with multiple pulls would be to much on a 3 threat (even though Gwen has a lesser version of it). But, this Peter is more aggressive than his Core Box counter part, so using him as a hit and run model with control when needed may be the way to go.

All in all, I think that Peter Parker is going to be a very good addition to the list, but not one that will turn the faction into a powerhouse like Crime Syndicate, Cabal, SHIELD, or X-Men. 3 of these factions most popular builds require no power investment and just work, where as re-rolls are great but not guaranteed and ASM’s leadership costs power (Boo). I think Spectacular Spider-Man is going to be great though, and I look forward to putting my reps in on the table with him.
