Bounties Issued on America’s Most Wanted Wall-Crawlers and their Allies: A Wishlist of Web Warriors I Would Like to see in Marvel Crisis Protocol
15 - Stealth Suit Spider-Man
I really enjoyed Big Time for Spider-Man and the Stealth Suit was just way too cool to not include in MCP. I would love to see a fast moving Spider-Man that can alternate between having the Stealth Special rule and having higher energy defenses to symbolize the noise canceling power the suit was able to have. The only reason one of the coolest Spider-Man outfits is so low on the list is because I really couldn’t think of too many additional things to put onto the character and we already have 2 Peter Parkers in the game. But, still, you cannot deny that the Black and Green are not an amazing color combination. But, then again, I may be biased as my Web Warriors are, for the most part, Black and Green.
14 - Superior Spider-Man (Otto Octavious)
As much as I was not a big fan of the Superior Spider-Man storyline, I will admit that Otto Octavius in Peter Parker’s body would make for an interesting character on the field as his fighting style and tech abilities are far different from Peter’s. I would love to see a group of Web Warriors that focus more on an offensive style of combat rather than a control oriented one and I think that the Superior Spider-Man would fight right in with this more dice throwing idea of the Web-head game plan. Still not my favorite, but I would love to see an idea of Spider-bots rampaging over enemies and across the field.
13 - Silver Sable
The Symkarian Mercenary Silver Sable is a long-time Parker Ally and sometimes Villain (like most relationships, it gets complicated). I would love to see a Not-Black Widow Black Widow in Web Warriors holding down the fort in back lines while supporting the Web-Slingers with ranged fire power and holding her own with her Mercenary training and sword skills. I could see her being very Punisher-esque with her application while also possibly bringing a new affiliation to the game.
12 - Captain Universe Spider-Man
A Spider-Man so powerful he literally held off The Inheritors (Spider totem eaters of immense power. Seriously, if you don’t know who Morlun is and don’t mind a gross-out, check him out.) from a universe where Peter maintained this power all by himself. I ranked him so low on this list only because I am not sure how you could balance a being of near infinite cosmic power, but I am sure our friends over at AMG would be able to do it. I could see him still maintaining all his normal spider powers with ranged energy attacks and melee attacks that would allow you to choose between physical and energy
11 - Anti-Venom
Symbiotes are one of Marvel’s most popular IPs. So much so that they literally ret-conned Venom’s origins to include Deadpool (for…some…reason…) and have had multiple mass events including the ubiquitous aliens. It is only a matter of time before we find Riot, Toxin, various versions of Venom, Scream, Lash, Mania, and all the other symbiotes running around this game. We need a balancing point. We need…Anti-Venom. Eddy Brock as Anti-Venom was able to literally “cure” people with even a trace of symbiote presence in their bloodstream and I think that this would be a really cool “Arch Nemesis” mechanic to have in the game. Make Carnage and Venom cry when Anti-Venom hits the table with re-rolls to take the pesky nuisances out while maintaining a good medium ranged/medium based beater is what I would like to see from this popular character.
10 - Peni Parker
I am going to be totally honest here. I had no idea who Peni Parker was before Into the Spider-Verse was in theaters. But, I loved Iron Spider and she just feels like a Hulk Buster version of the Iron Spider. I really, really want to see a -1 agile size 4 Peni Parker running around the field with a whirling dervish of mechanical limbs beating enemies to a pulp. I have always seen the Web Warrior faction being one of durability, and I think an armored giant plays into their plans pretty well.
9 - Agent Venom
If you don’t like Flash Thompson as Agent Venom I don’t believe you. From his earliest iterations as the bully of Peter Parker, he has gone on a journey of growth and discovery that I really like and is oddly very Spider-Man. I think he could be a fantastic mid-long range fighter with a combination of firearms and Symbiote superpowers that would look great on the battlefield. I am thinking of something like Symbiote Tendrils, R4 assault Rifles, and all the guns+Klyntar silliness for his spender.
8 - Gwenom (Gwen Stacy)
What’s better than Agent Venom? Gwenom. To be honest, I just love anything Ghost-Spider and this iteration looks way to cool to not be in the game. The character would probably best be categorized as an aggressive beater for the list and would require you to either choose the battlefield control that Ghost-Spider offers and is loved for or a more direct approach to crowd control…murder…
7 - Symbiote Suit Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Another character that got a more aggressive arc was Peter Parker while wearing the Klyntar symbiote. Much like Gwenom, I could see this character being much more aggressive than either one of the Peters we currently have and being pretty exclusively close-ranged in his aggression since I do not remember too many times in the comics Peter actively used the symbiote’s powers of tendrils and amorphous form.
6 - Hummingbird
I am going to be honest. I loved the Scarlet Spider run that took place in Houston and followed Kaine Parker. I was really bummed out when the run ended and it seemed like Marvel side-lined Kaine and Aracely. Maria is a really interesting addition to this list because her powers involve the emotions of others, telepathy, and (checks notes) throwing mystical sacred fire at people. I think that Web Warriors as a faction is pretty grounded in melee attacks, so a crowd control character that could make people run away with mystic based attacks would be very welcome. She could even have her own version of Spider-Sense since she can read minds.
5 - Iron-Spider
Access to Stark Tech? Check. Multiple additional mechanical spider legs? Check. A rad red and gold color scheme? Check. A perfect seeming fit with Web Warrior’s play under Miles? QUA-QUA-QUA-QUADRA CHECK! Iron Spider would be able to have all of the control elements that Core set Spider-Man has with the added bonus of -1 to be wounded and I would be all over a 4 point character with that spread. We need this AMG. Please. For Mr. Stark. But seriously, I really do think that if this character came out tomorrow with the -1 to wound like normal Iron Man and 4 defense (maybe 4 energy defense too, but that’s just me getting greedy) that he would see play at 4 threat. My gripe with Core set Parker is that he has never truly felt like a 4 threat to me. He has always lacked something. His HP is to low to truly take to much advantage of Spider-Sense and he is outclassed by Ghost-Spider for pulling people off of points since she does it for a point less. I’m just saying, a quick fix to Core set Parker is to release Iron Spider with the above adjustments.
4 - Spider-Man 2099
Miguel O’Hara has one of the most metal Spider-Man designs in the entire series and the entire 2099 line is pretty awesome in general. The only seeming survivor of this jaunt through the future though was Miguel though, which is unfortunate (I loved 2099 Punisher and Hulk as a kid). More Spider than Spider-Man, Miguel would offer us a beater character that can also add on status effects like Poison and Slow on his basic abilities and Pierce on his strikes since he has those retractable claws. I would love to see a more aggressive playstyle being added for Web Warriors be added to the game like Crime Syndicate is getting, and I could see big boy O’Hara being on the team easily.
3 - Silk
Silk had a rough start in the comics, but I honestly love her power to to modify her webbing to do different things like act like steel and be insulated and her longer range Spider-Sense would be an interesting add-on to the roster in how AMG would, no doubt, find a great way to balance it into the game. She even has eidetic memory, so we could possibly get a Taskmaster like ability in her kit, making her a superb duelist as her control element. It’s hard to take a point from someone who just won’t die.
2 - Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly)
The OG Scarlet Spider and fellow hoody lover, Ben Reilly, would make such a good duo-box with Kain that it’s almost too obvious to just call the box Scarlet Spiders. His fighting style was very similar to Peter’s, so I could see him very easily falling into the defensive control that Web Warriors are already known for. I, unlike many people, loved the Clone Saga (it was, of course, way too long though) and I loved the implications it had for the Spider-verse as a whole. I think that adding Ben Reilly would allow us an interesting new take on the control aspect considering I think his wrist mounted carousels could also shoot tracking devices and sedative darts into his opponents, which would allow for long ranged Poison, Incinerate, or Shock status effects to be placed on the enemy, thus giving you more opportunities to live.
1 - Scarlet Spider (Kain Parker)
As I said in Hummingbird’s section, I loved the Scarlet Spider run set in Houston and I was genuinely saddened when they ditched it but kept Superior Spider-Man. The tag line All The Power, None of the Responsibility would be such a cool name for a leadership ability and Kaine’s complete lack of precognitive warning systems means he is all offense and, as such, would be the perfect leader for a group of Web Warriors who were more interested in kicking your teeth in than webbing you up. Even just giving the faction access to pierce to ramp up the aggression would be enough to make for a very viable faction bonus and would go along with the spikier portions of the Web Warriors (Kaine himself has wrist stingers that he has used to stab Wolverine in the heart and has his Mark of Kaine). I can’t tell you how much I love the idea of a Spider-Senseless head beater Web Warrior, and Kaine is the right man for the job to be the mobile beater Daredevil was intended to be.
This concludes the list. Do you agree with my picks? Want to see someone else? Are you absolutely wrong in every sense of the word and don’t agree that Kaine Parker needs to be in the game? Let me know below and I will see you next time!
Till next time Webslingers.
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